Saturday, December 30, 2006

Need an outlet

I feel like writing poetry... impromptu-like.

Resisting the flow ends not the stream.
It stops, fills into a pool, a lake, a sea, an ocean.
The water, once blue, now brown,
Explodes in a raging torrent, with devastating devastation.

Surrender to the flow,
Not to take you, but through you.
Lo, the stream remains not constant!
Grows in a raging torrent, with radiant radiance.

I'll try another...

Passion to give, passion to take,
Passion to love, passion to hate,
To protect, to kill, to raise up, to knock down.
Too intense, too intense... it's not for me,
The passion, that is.
For to pursue self is to lose self.
To pursue other is to find all.

Passion for other, passion for self.
I shall choose other, to give, love, protect, raise up.
Fail I might, but to try is right,
For what's to gain is plain.

One more.

"Blood and Water"

Red and white light from the Wellspring of Eternity
Enter the bucket of my heart.
The weak vessel races with blood, and sighs with water.
The body fills with redeemed life, and awakens.

Who is this that washes with Mercy and cleanses with Passion?
His Name is known when revealed.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Good song

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Northern Lights! It's 7:15 CST.

Northern Lights!!!!!!! Aurora borealis!

Update: Hmm, it was a bit of a letdown. The lights were strongest when I first looked at them, just before I posted the first message. Oh well, it had been a while since I'd been to the Observatory anyway. Also, there was the added bonus of a meteor shower. Saw quite a few.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It... it has a life of its own!

I'm about as sharp as a drop of water right now, so I'll let someone else do the talking:

"Many, for example, avowedly followed Cecil Rhodes because he had a vision. They might as well have followed him because he had a nose; a man without some kind of dream of perfection is quite as much of a monstrosity as a noseless man. People say of such a figure, in almost feverish whispers, 'He knows his own mind,' which is exactly like saying in equally feverish whispers, 'He blows his own nose.'"

G.K. Chesterton
Heretics p.300
Chesterton is quite amusing to read. I read this earlier book of his mainly because it leads into one of his best known works, Orthodoxy, which I will begin shortly. I had wanted to start reading his books some time ago, and finally did when a parishioner lent me perhaps his best-known novel, The Man Who Was Thursday. Good stuff.

Otherwise, I recently bought and started Theology of the Body Explained, by Christopher West. I almost did this months ago... but did not. I'm only in the Prologue right now, as it's a bit of a slow read (and I'm a slow reader, and a slow everything else under the sun...). Every paragraph offers a lot to digest and reflect on, so this could take a while.

In my previous update, I said that there was discomfort with the new group of friends in Kenosha. I'll have to take that back, after meeting with them on two more occasions. They're great people, and I hope to be in more contact with them.

(This post is growing..........)

Saw Nativity Story. I liked it, though it was negatively affected by high expectations. It started on a high note with my all-time favorite hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, in Latin (here is Tatiana's version). Mary was disappointing, especially at the Annunciation (when the angel Gabriel came to her). This is one of my favorite events of the Gospel story, so my vision of it was not matched on film (the Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth was pretty cool though). On the flip side, Joseph is my new hero! He was portrayed BRILLIANTLY. I just hope and pray that I can be half the man he was.

In my previous update, I inaccurately stated that discernment had come to a halt. More accurately, I haven't been ACTIVELY discerning, in a serious manner. The internal discernment continues on, and is quite excruciating. Well, I suppose it would be if you encounter a fork in the road and you keep on walking forward anyway (or worse, simply stop walking). .. ....OK, getting cryptic, sorry, my fluidic sharpness was returning. Anyway, I'll be going to a vocation discernment event at the Archbishop's house this Friday to further grind my internal organs to a pulp.

Hmm, I meant this to be short. Ah well.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Very nice.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

No Cash For You

Just got back from a 17-man poker tournament. Fourth place cashs, and I finished fifth. Yay. Eh, well, it was fun. The only problem is that's it's 2:30 in the morning, and I planned on getting up early, like, ohhhh, around 6 or 6:30. That plan might have to be scrapped, especially seeing as how my typing this is eating up valuable sleep time. Which reminds me...-