Need an outlet
Resisting the flow ends not the stream.
It stops, fills into a pool, a lake, a sea, an ocean.
The water, once blue, now brown,
Explodes in a raging torrent, with devastating devastation.
Surrender to the flow,
Not to take you, but through you.
Lo, the stream remains not constant!
Grows in a raging torrent, with radiant radiance.
I'll try another...
Passion to give, passion to take,
Passion to love, passion to hate,
To protect, to kill, to raise up, to knock down.
Too intense, too intense... it's not for me,
The passion, that is.
For to pursue self is to lose self.
To pursue other is to find all.
Passion for other, passion for self.
I shall choose other, to give, love, protect, raise up.
Fail I might, but to try is right,
For what's to gain is plain.
One more.
"Blood and Water"
Red and white light from the Wellspring of Eternity
Enter the bucket of my heart.
The weak vessel races with blood, and sighs with water.
The body fills with redeemed life, and awakens.
Who is this that washes with Mercy and cleanses with Passion?
His Name is known when revealed.
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