Monday, July 31, 2006

AH-nold, Jesus's Guardian Angel

Hmm, I think I'll wuss out again and post a movie. I'll post something substantial again eventually. I sware.

Courtesy of Jimmy Akin... again.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Baby Got Book!

Heh heh, this is great. I could easily see this song playing at a wedding reception.

Kudos to Jimmy Akin for the link.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Genesis 49:20

Whew, been busy, and still am. I'll be gone over the weekend, so my computer access will be nil until late Sunday night.

I was shown some pictures that were recently taken of Asher together with my little second-cousin Rylee. The two of them reminded me (and others) of pictures from Aaron's and my childhood. In fact, in one particular picture, Asher looks EXACTLY like Aaron did at his age. Hmm, it's been since the Fourth that I've seen Asher. Well, I'll likely see him on my mom's birthday next Wednesday.

P.S. You don't need to spend a fortune to see a good football game. A $7 ticket for a Racine Raiders game is all you need to have a good time and totally ruin your vocal chords.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Long Weekend

Hmm, new posts have been few and far between. Alas, this one will (or should) be short, as I've been staring at this screen for far too long today.

Anyway, I spent the weekend with the Augustinians in Chicago and Racine. There were many providential occurrences, particularly on Monday when Brother Kevin and I made an impromptu stop at Marytown on the way back to Racine. Let's just say that Kevin's vocation was reconfirmed and that he is exactly where he needs to be.

The Augustinian weekend was topped off by going to see Pirates last night, which, aided by lowered expectations, I found to be a very entertaining movie. I'll likely see it again while it's at the theaters. Review coming sometime... soon... eventually....

Lastly, please say a little prayer for Pete Villapando, who died on Monday night. He is from my parish, and will be sorely missed by the entire community.

Hmm, perhaps more so, pray for those who have no one to pray for them.

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Heh, Aaron sent me this two months ago, when it was relevant. Oh well, it's still funny in July.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Pope to Venerate Holy Grail"

"Chalice Kept in Valencia Is Sacred Icon"

I had heard of this before. I thought it was interesting then too.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Minimal Minimum

Argh, solar minimum is boring. The sun needs to be peppered with sunspots again, so we can see more of these:

The Fourth (and Fifth) of July

Everyone have a good Fourth of July? If you didn't fill your stomach 'till it hurt or you didn't smell like sulphur, I'd say not.

After spending a couple of hours with my mom's family (and filling up on some good food), I headed over to Aaron's for Kenosha's fireworks. They were pretty darn good too, even better than last year's. Now, the PROBLEM with getting home at 11:30 after good fireworks was getting up at 3:30 the next morning for work, which wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't only gotten 5 hours of sleep the two previous nights each. Yes, sleep deprivation has returned.... This of course had an impact on the rest of the day, though providentally avoiding an impact of my car. I actually got LOST on my way home from work. Remember kids: don't sleep and drive.

After a good nap and meal, I had to decide whether to go to St. Lucy's or not for a Holy Hour (or two). Deciding to go resulted in two unexpected "chance" encounters. First of all, St. Lucy's was closed for some reason. But in the parking lot I met another guy in my same predicament. It turns out that he went to grade school with my dad. Dad was pretty interested to hear about that later. The second encounter was at the library about an hour and a half later, where I saw a friend's mother as I was leaving. Too bad that we were both in a hurry. It's strange though: after an absence of several years, I've been in the Racine Library three times in the past two months and have had two powerful encounters (the first was with Ben). I'll have to go more often. :)

I suppose this series of events motivated me to write this post, otherwise I haven't really cared to write anything lately. I think Father Serna in this article sums everything up quite well when he writes, "Right on. Catholics might as well rip the words 'chance' and 'coincidence' right out of their dictionaries." Yup, Providence rocks.