Vacation in a Vacation in a Vocation
Splendid is the day when we aspire to inspire.
Needed is the power to act in the will.
Gross is the failure to be your brother's keeper.
Mourned is the day I act alone.
Oh yeah, that's right. It been a while. Yeah, was out on the East coast for ten days. I mostly stayed with some Augustinian friends in D.C., and then some of us went to Philly over this last weekend. It was all good, was nice to not work for a week. Now that I'm home, I feel like I'm already burning out. Nuts. There's work, family, friends, LIFETEEN, high school religious ed., will be gone this weekend. *sigh* Oh well, 'tis life, yah?
Yup, will be going to see and hear Father Corapi preach a five part series this weekend in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Should be purdy good. Also during the conference Tatiana will be singing her Lenten concert live. Should be VERY good. Unfortunately I'm missing out on some things here at home as a result, and will have to work late at night when I get home on Saturday. Bah, why complaining? I'm going to hear Father Corapi and Tatiana! Nice.
It was pretty nice to come home and read a whole new series of posts on The Ben's blog. Good stuff.
Vocation............. grrrrr. So confusing. I don't know what to write. Well, I do, but I don't feel like it. Ok ok, I do...again... but I don't want to. Bah...
Oopsy, 12:30 at night. Not be good. Good night.