Some Movie Reviews, Plus Some Other Stuff...
Over the Hedge (2006): There's not much to say here besides that it was funny and I'd recommend seeing it. Yeah, that's pretty much it; not much to elaborate on.
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006): Disappointing. I wouldn't say that the movie was horrible, but it just didn't hold a candle to the first two X-Men movies. The change in directors from Bryan Singer to Brett Ratner (Rush Hour) was extremely noticeable. The dialogue and writing were worse, the acting was worse, the character development was worse, the music was worse... you get the picture (well, the story wasn't TOO bad). I must admit though, the writers had some balls for killing off and significantly changing main characters... until they spoil it with the ending scenes. Anyway, I still liked this movie better than King Kong, which, even though it was a much better made movie, bugged me for some reason. :-P
Firewall (2006): Barf... Oh, to what horrible depths Harrison Ford has fallen. Stay away from this one, unless you enjoy unsettled boredom with a hint of anger.
Syriana (2005): Now this one's interesting. I would try to describe the plot in detail, but I have better things to do. The movie takes you along 5 or so separate plot lines, involving oil companies, the CIA, an energy specialist, Arab royalty, and Muslim youths, that eventually coalesce into a whole by movie's end. More than one viewing would be required for most to catch everything. This would include myself, but I'm willing to live with the major parts I missed (mostly involving the oil companies' legal stuff). With that said, would I recommend this movie? Yeah, sure. I enjoyed it and all, but it's not something that will stick around with me. After all, the political commentary and undertones presented were not anything new to me.

What gets to me about this movie are Picard and, to a lesser extent, Kirk's dilemmas and choices in the Nexus, a place of eternal joy. They both had to make a choice between what they want to do and what they should do. Do they stay in the Nexus, with their almost-real families that they never had but wanted oh-so-much, or do they go back to sacrifice themselves to save the lives of innocent people that they will never meet?
This resonates with me. The allure of a family, a wife and kids, has been very strong. It rose up at about the same time that my vocation search was kickstarted around 3-4 months ago (for example). Ack, even now as I write this, the desire for family re-emerges. And yet, the desire seems to be usually based in fantasy, almost real and yet not quite. There's uneasiness; there's something not quite right. The fantasy is good, but not meant to be. Offer it up, for something greater. The fantasy clears, and Reality floods in. This Reality, is greater than the fantasy; it is more majestic and wonderful. There is sacrifice, there is acceptance.
...there is the Cross.
The higher Reality fades, as it tends to do. The mundane sets in, and fantasy returns. The fantasy must be continually offered up for the greater reality, though now without consolation.
Unfortunately, the weak fail from time to time, for the fantasy is strong and good. Please pray for the weak.
Over the Hedge: havent seen it, looks alright.
X-Men-3: You already know what I dont like about that mess of a movie. I dont even wanna get started on it....
Firewall: havent seen it, didnt plan to originally, still not planning to.
Syriana: Looks excellent.
Star Trek Generations: That was a good movie, although I thought seeing Shatner run around trying to fight was a laughably bad idea. But Picard was great. I think First Contact is my favorite Star Trek movie.
I like it! Good job. Go on.
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