Rotten Fruit
This is a hard saying. Through selfishness and possessiveness, I might have lost a friend. This situation would likely not exist if I had accepted the sacrifice God called me to make, that's He's BEEN calling me to make. I had a choice: to sacrifice one good for a higher good, or to have that first good ripped away forcefully. I chose the first option in April, which resulted in some amazing fruit. This month, I chose the second option, and this fruit tastes rotten.
Perhaps I'm giving myself too much credit for what happened, and is happening. God's hand is in all of this, guiding the events of our lives. Lord, please guide me in my vocation, and guide her in hers.
P.S. This has been more of a diary than a blog (difference?). I've been meaning to do some posts that aren't so self-focused... but these are the things that are on my mind. I'll just have to keep in mind that this pseudo-diary resides in the public domain, and to discern (better) what I write.
P.P.S. I'm becoming my dad. Help. :P
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