A Full Plate for Thanksgiving (in June??)

You know, I've received a lot of help from people these last couple of weeks and months, and they have my gratitude:
my family (especially Grandma);
Mr. Kressin and Mr. Rubis, teachers who "teach students, not computers";
Fr. Stephen, an amazing Trappist monk;
Fr. Donald, a Benedictine monk who spent a whole Sunday afternoon talking with me;
Frs. John and Peter, two guests at New Melleray;
Eric, who just won't freaking quit;
Frs. Jim and Bob, good confessors and pastors who have had to put up with my indecision;
Rob, who has become a very good friend, and I hope will be for a good long time;
John, of course, who is my friend forever, thanks for the talk and your brutal honesty;
and Taynia... who has done more for me in these last three months, just by her sheer presence and example, than she will perhaps ever know. One day, three months ago, I was stagnant, stuck, watching life fly by. The next day, I was free. It is good to be free. Thank you Taynia; I do not know how to repay you.
Lest I be out of order, the biggest thanks goes to God. The Holy Spirit worked in each of these persons, and not just to help me (thank God). These individuals, and others that I've forgotten at the moment (sorry!), have been blessed as God's instruments in the lives of many. I pray that the Spirit continues to touch those in need through them for a long time.
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