Monday, April 24, 2006

Restlessness turned into trust.

When I was about to start on this post, I was planning on commenting on the dullness and stagnancy that had been surrounding me this day. I was restless, a bit lonely, and hungry for sensory stimulation. So before I got around to writing about this, I turned in my chair, only to see my Divine Mercy image hanging above my bed. Jesus came in and filled the God-shaped hole in my heart, and the loneliness and boredom were no more. I shall have to keep a better watch, that my heart not go empty without notice.

If you ever feel empty inside, lonely, bored, depressed, invite God into the abyss of your heart, and invite Him without reservation. As Saint Augustine said, "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

P.S. I wrote earlier that I would post on Sunday details about an experience I had with Divine Mercy. Well, I plum forgot. And it will have to wait until another time, if ever. I'm thinking that I may be being a bit libertine in my discussions about personal spiritual matters. Possibly. I'll just have to watch my motivations.


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