Tuesday, April 18, 2006

IBM = bad

I will in all likelihood be switching curriculums for this fall, from Programmer/Analyst to Web Developer/Administrator. As much as my skills match up with programming, I don't see myself using it in the future. Web development will be a bit more challenging, with the need for creativity and graphical design. But it should be much more useful for my future. Sure, it will add on another semester to get the associate degree, but it should also give me more credits for a Bachelor's, which I'll need to get eventually.

There is a monk that goes to Gateway named Nicodemus. He's from Africa, and he's in the Networking program. He has invited me a couple of times now to visit his monastery at Benet Lake in Kenosha. Judging from the website, I'm not so sure that I want to. I've really shied away from the purely monastic lifestyle lately, for various reasons. Instead, I've become attracted to the ways of the orders of friars, such as the Franciscans, Augustinians, and Carmelites. Unfortunately, they have higher requirements for joining than the monastic orders.

Bah, who knows, my head's a little cloudy right now. Being sleepy on Tuesday is a bad omen for the rest of the week...


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