Sunday, April 23, 2006

Better than the hype.

Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Sebastian Parish was a smashing success. Many confessions, many present for the 3pm Chaplet and closing Benediction. Confessions started at 1:30, and they were still going on at 3:00 (with 2 priests!). That's impressive for our parish. We also prayed all 20 decades of the Rosary during confessions (yup, that's over 200 Hail Mary's). I'd say we had somewhere around 50 people or more for the entire Rosary (more for the Chaplet, of course). The whole program was just great. I could feel the power manifest within the church; the Holy Spirit was present. It will never be recorded as such, but this day could go down as one of the most important in our parish's history. We won't know until the fruit is borne.

I hear that a nearby parish, St. Lucy's, also had a good turnout, doubling last year's. Pope John Paul must be very busy indeed, interceding to The Divine Mercy for us.


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