Thursday, May 25, 2006

Divine Providence

So I had to decide whether to go to Bible study on Saturday or to the Archdiocese's Ordination Mass of five new priests. Someone pointed out to me that I can't go to see priests be ordained every weekend, which helped simplify the decision. I sure am glad that I went. Besides the unique experience of witnessing the lifelong commitments made by these five men, I happened to make some chance encounters. First, a little back story...

A fellow student at Gateway is a Benedictine monk, which I did not discover until the last week of our class in December. His name is Nicodemus, and he's from Africa. Over this last spring semester, he had asked me to visit the monastery he lives in on several occasions. There's a time limit, as he had to go back to Africa after the semester. True to form, I procrastinated... until this last weekend.

After the ordination, during the gathering after, I recognized a priest (Father Donald) from afar. I recognized him from the Benedictine monastery's website. I told him that I knew Nicodemus, and so I was invited to visit. I went to the monastery the next day for Mass (it's only about 45 minutes away) and stayed for quite a while. After lunch, Nicodemus had to go to a dentist appointment, so that left me with Father Donald. We talked for, oh... I don't know, maybe three and a half, four hours. Man, he could read me like a book. He was able to point out what needs work in my life, and how to accomplish it. It was a talk that I very much needed, and one that I would not have partaken in if not for several circumstances coming together at once. Divine Providence is powerful.


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