Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm noticing a trend here...

This blog has been taking on a different character from what I expected when I started it. I figure... go with it.

I will be seeing the Augustinians tomorrow morning at St. Rita's Parish. It just so happens that every First Friday of the month they have Eucharistic Adoration and prayers specifically for vocations. I just couldn't pass that up.

I came across another interesting synchronicity ("coincidence") today in the Milwaukee paper. There was an article about a 5-part show/documentary that will be broadcast on A&E starting on Easter. It's called "God or the Girl", and it's about four young men discerning possible calls to the priesthood. Some interesting tidbits: the oldest is 28, one 25 year-old owns a $500,000 condo that he earned through business, and two are in heavy relationships. So, for anyone ever wondering why or how these guys could make such decisions and commitments, this show might be a good way to find out.


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